(Week 10) what kind of history? 1

★teleological accounts of new media

*from cave paintings to mebile phone
In rheingold's historical scheme

the cave paintings -> fax machine computer network

*from photography to telematics
extracting some sense from teleolegies
(Peter Weibel's 8 stage)

*seeing the limits of new media teleologies

*foucault and genealogies of new media
Foucauldian perspective (Jau Bolte & Richard Grusin's concept)

★ new media and the modernist concept of progress

*pictirialists (photo -> paint)
pictirialists example 'the perceptual imperialists'

*Raymond williamsmedia technology does not have an 'essence'

*Deferred future of new media

*The view of modernist aestheticmedium had to be genuinely new from the past and old media

*Gene youngblood"the tyranny of perceptual imperialists"

*steve holzmannexisting uses of new media fail to exploit those special qualities

*modernist viewpointsnewmedia has to make a radical break with the past

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